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This Vortex Pendant has 3 sphere magnets placed inside a copper coil, this helps bring the body's magnetic field back into alignment.


Due to the amount of wifi technology/emf's that we are all exposed to on a daily basis, the body's biomagnetic field is compromised leading to all sorts of health implications including lack of energy, foggy head, allergies, lack of sleep and many more.


I also add very unique and well sourced crystals that all have their own indvidual benefits and purpose, each crystal holds a very unique healing energy (all the benefits of the crystals are listed in the description below). 


I have always advised my customers to pick a pendant they are drawn to as it tends to be the one that will help you the most and it will be the healing frequency from that crystal that you need but the decision is entirely upto you.


If you need any assistance then please drop a message in the live chat and I will be more than happy to help out.


Moonstone may help with –


New beginnings
Relieving symptoms of menopause
Inner growth and strength
Soothes emotional instability and stress
Stabilizing the emotions providing calmness
Enhancing intuition and promotes inspiration
Good fortune in love and business matters
Feminine energy as it is associated with the moon, so is very helpful for a woman

Shungite may help with -


Evolving spiritually
Protection against negative energies and good for psychic protection
Shield from harmful electromagnetic frequencies from cell phones, computers and wifi etc
Healing on all levels: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual
Growth and transformation
Increasing personal power
Clearing and balancing the aura and chakras
Grounding energies to the earth
Boosting energy
Increasing personal power
Restores emotional balance and you will feel a lot more positive

Magnetite may help with –


Respiratory , asthma and breathing issues
Stress and anxiety
Good luck and abundance
Stability, strength and grounding
Circulatory system, aches, pains
Releasing anger


Ying/ Yang Emotional Harmony! ( Sale item, tiny minors)

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