This page offers a comprehensive guide on the critical importance of detoxifying heavy metals from the body. It delves into the adverse effects that heavy metals can have on human physiology, and presents PBX Nano Spray as a viable benefit for a range of cognitive health issues, including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), speech delays, and non-verbal challenges. In addition, I share my personal experience and the transformative results I've achieved using PBX Nano Spray. Moreover, the page features an essential interview with a medical doctor who exclusively recommends Nano Zeolite for treating ASD, speech delay, and non-verbal conditions. I sincerely hope that the insights I've gained on my journey with PBX Nano Spray prove helpful to you. It is my utmost desire to share this invaluable information as widely as possible.

PBX Nano Spray/Whole body detox, Is a product that has had such a profound impact on my overall well-being, including my mental health. For over a decade, I've taken zeolite to achieve remarkable health benefits and I am so passionate about sharing my story, because of what it did for me I know that the PBX Nano spray will have a such profound impact on anyone’s health and wellbeing. The Significance of Detoxifying Heavy Metals - Heavy metal detoxification is a must for protection against electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). When your cells are burdened with years of accumulated toxins, they become vulnerable, reacting with EMF and, in essence, causing cellular degradation from the inside out. Given our constant exposure to the wide range of harmful toxins, be it through the air we breathe, the water we drink, or even the cleaning products we use, it's imperative to cleanse our bodies daily and safely. The whole body detox kit is a perfect way to do this. I mention the link between heavy metals and EMF because I know that this is so overlooked for so many illness we have in modern day society. My Lifelong Struggles with Respiratory Issues - From a young age, I battled severe respiratory issues and was diagnosed with asthma. I was allergic to almost everything including cats, dust, pollen, and more. I've even had to be hospitalized multiple times due to acute allergic reactions. Breathing had become such a challenge that I'd often find myself bedridden for days and I never would have thought that this would have been cured. Reevaluating Conventional Medical Wisdom - Doctors prescribed inhalers as the go-to remedy for my breathing issues. However, my skepticism and intuitive feeling about a life reliant to steroid inhalers made me to reconsider this option. I was told to take the brown inhaler daily and the blue one when I needed it. For some reason I will never know as I was very young, I never touched the brown inhaler and would only use the blue one when I really need to. I can remember my mother taking me to the doctors for breathing tests, so you can imagine how young I was at the time. The Turning Point: Discovering the Power of Zeolite - Everything changed when I crossed paths with the right person at the right time in a crystal shop. At that time, my cognitive abilities were already compromised due to years of substance abuse and exposure to mold toxicity.The person at the time was talking about zeolite detox to someone and I overheard the conversation and intervened. I started to take the zeolite on a daily basis and over a short period of time the transformation was extraordinary. My asthma disappeared, my allergies ceased, and my mental clarity reached unprecedented levels that I could not even comprehend. I still take this product now and will continue to do so due to the current exposure to a wide range of environmental toxins we are exposed to. At the time I was trying to study doing a joinery course and I could not focus or learn and struggled to keep up with other students at the time. I ended up to then getting nearly 100% marks in most of my work and passed the course with ease. The problem was that I had so many toxins accumulated in my mind and body that I could not function as I should have been doing. Zeolite was the answer to the clarity, energy and focus ! Why is zeolite so important in modern day society ? I highly recommend PBX Nano spray for daily detoxification because it is a very safe and easy way to detox daily. Air pollution is at an all-time high, we have crops covered in pesticides, baby food laced with heavy metals, xeno estrogens from plastic bottles, tap water and much much more. All this constant exposure toxins come with a wide range of health implications as we are currently seeing in modern day society. The Far-reaching Impact of Detoxification - Through my research, I've come to realize that heavy metals and toxins are the hidden culprits behind a multitude of health issues. Eliminate them, and the body begins its natural process of self-repair. If your internal environment was clean as it should be then we would not have to be taking something of this nature. But this is not the case and from all the things I have tried, PBX Nano Spray I hands down the best way to keep the cells functioning at optimum level. I hope my journey serves as a testament to the life-changing benefits of zeolite. If you want to try the zeolite whole detox kit then you can use the link and receive £50 off your first order taking the kit to £25 instead of £75. This is a great way to start your heavy metal detox at a very low cost, I would advise take the zeolite kit for minimum of 6 month so you get very deep into your cells. At this stage I can probably say that you will feel that good that you will not want to stop taking this. I have added a lot of information on this page and I hope this gives you a lot more clarity and support on your heavy metals detox journey !
My personal life changing experience of
taking zeolite !

Top Law Suit Attorney Dealing With Heavy Metals In Baby Food Court Cases !
Several brands of very popular baby foods contain high levels of heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, lead, and cadmium. These heavy metals are well-known neurotoxins. Consuming these toxic metals in baby foods may have caused thousands of children to develop autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Many parents are filing a toxic baby food lawsuit to protect their children, alleging claims against the manufacturers of these contaminated baby foods. These baby food autism lawsuits allege the manufacturers knew about heavy metals in their products, and children developed autism from consuming them. Growing concern that Tylenol during pregnancy may cause autism has led to a class action lawsuit for those autism lawsuits as well. The science linking the mother’s Tylenol use with ADHD and autism is strong. Baby Food Autism Lawsuit Updates Before we dive into the substance of the baby food autism lawsuit, let’s look at where we are in the litigation: September 14, 2023 California lawmakers passed AB 899, requiring baby food manufacturers to monthly test products for toxic elements like heavy metals. By 2025, these products must have a QR code linking to the test results. The law will ban sales of non-compliant baby foods. September 5, 2023 Beech-Nut Nutrition. is asking a federal appeals court to uphold the dismissal of consumer lawsuits concerning heavy metals in baby foods. The company argues that these matters should be resolved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rather than the courts. Parents allege that Beech-Nut failed to disclose the presence of arsenic, arsenic, and other toxic metals in its food for children. The claim is not for personal injury in these cases but overpayment for the cost of the product. September 1, 2023 Plaintiffs suffered a hit in this baby food litigation when, after a Sargon hearing, a Los Angeles, California state court judge deemed inadmissible the expert opinion that a child developed autism and attention deficit disorders from consuming baby food allegedly tainted with harmful heavy metals. A Sargon hearing refers to a specific type of evidentiary hearing in California state courts concerning the admissibility of expert witness testimony. The name derives from the case “Sargon Enterprises, Inc. v. University of Southern California,” which the California Supreme Court decided in 2012. In this case, the court clarified the trial court’s role as a gatekeeper in evaluating the admissibility of expert testimony. In this Sargon hearing, Superior Court of Los Angeles County Judge Lawrence Riff found that an expert’s testimony at the hearing was not scientifically valid due to flawed methodology behind his conclusions. It is easy to prove heavy metals cause autism. The challenge for plaintiffs in these cases is proving specific causation because lead is not only in baby food it is everywhere. This is just one judge’s opinion in one case. But is it a tough blow for plaintiffs? Absolutely. July 14, 2023 A Texas family who believes their son’s brain damage is due to the presence of heavy metals in baby food produced by Hain Celestial Group has urged a federal appeals court to restore their suit against Hain and retailer Whole Foods. After the district court unjustly dismissed Whole Foods from the case and denied its return to Texas state court, the case proceeded against Hain Celestial, resulting in Hain’s victory midtrial due to the plaintiffs’ inability to demonstrate that the heavy metals caused the alleged damage. The family argues that they presented sufficient evidence linking the heavy metals to their son’s ailment, and thus, a jury trial should have been conducted. June 26, 2023 In a recent investigation by Consumer Reports, it has been found that heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, and lead continue to persist in some baby food brands, a concern first raised five years ago. Notwithstanding the calls for manufacturers to ensure healthier baby foods, major brands such as Earth’s Best Organic, Gerber and Hot Kid still exhibit variable levels of these harmful metals in their products. Such exposure can potentially impair children’s IQ and cause developmental issues. The report underscores the need for the Food and Drug Administration to instigate stricter regulations on permissible levels of toxic metals in baby foods. Foods primarily made from rice, sweet potatoes, and carrots were identified as carrying the highest risk, largely due to the ways they are farmed. Consumer Reports plan future tests for heavy metal contamination in baby foods and related products. June 1, 2023 The first (real) baby food autism lawsuit will likely go to trial in California in just four months in October 2023. It will be the first real test of what the jury thinks of the science of these lawsuits. March 23, 2023 The FDA has raised concerns about how serious it is about keeping children safe by quietly removing the deadlines for setting guidelines to reduce toxic metals in baby food from its website. The lack of urgency and explanation for this change is as frustrating as it is unsurprising. March 15, 2023 Hain Celestial Group Inc. secured a midtrial judgment in a lawsuit filed by a family claiming that heavy metals in its Earth’s Best baby and toddler foods caused their son’s severe autism. The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas determined that the family could not demonstrate that lead, arsenic, and other heavy metals could generally cause the alleged harm, which proved fatal to their case. Is this a blow for plaintiffs in baby food autism lawsuits? Not really. There was no qualified expert who testified in this case that ingestion of heavy metals could cause the range of symptom the child suffers from in this case. There was also no evidence proferred regarding the level of ingestion required to cause those symptoms. The judge, correctly, said that the plaintiffs did not prove their case. Ultimately, you need the right experts in these cases and that is what we are hoping so see in the trial in California set for October. March 8, 2023 A new autism baby food lawsuit was filed in federal court in Nevada last week with five plaintiffs who allege Beech-Nut Nutrition Company Inc. (“Beech”), Gerber Products Company, Plum PBC (“Plum”), Sprout Foods Inc. (“Sprout”), Walmart Inc. (“Walmart”) caused their autism. The causes of action include strict liability, failure to warn, breach of implied warranty of merchantability, negligence per se, ordinary negligence, gross negligence, and unjust enrichment. The autism suit also brings counts specific to Nevada law for adulterated products and violating the Nevada Deceptive Trade Practices Act. The lawsuit seeks both compensatory and punitive damages. This lawsuit was not mere notice pleading. The suit walks through not only the House subcommittee report on heavy metals in baby food but also includes the Healthy Babies Bright Futures report, and the medical literature – including faraway studies in South Korea, Egypt, and China – on the risk of toxic metals and the presence of toxic metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic in baby food. February 3, 2023 A group of two Senators and two Congressmen sent a letter this week to the Commissioner of the FDA. The letter strongly urges the FDA to take prompt action and finalize new regulations regarding the acceptable safe levels of heavy metals in baby food products. For the last two years, the food industry has been waiting for new regulations from the FDA, but very little has been issued. January 27, 2023 The FDA has finally released its new proposed limits for the maximum safe lead level in baby food products. Under the new regulations, baby foods containing fruits, vegetables, and grain and meat-based mixtures will not be allowed to exceed lead levels of 10 parts per billion. Once these regulations are finalized, the FDA will have the authority to take enforcement action against manufacturers found to be violating this maximum limit. January 11, 2023 Bloomberg law has a podcast on the problem of toxic metals in baby food and why the FDA has responded slowly to the crisis. In 2007, the FDA detected toxic heavy metals in 33 of 39 types of baby food tested. But the FDA failed to set enforceable limits or issue guidance on maximum safe amounts. January 4, 2023 Most baby food lawsuits are filed in state courts that have jurisdiction over one of the defendants. For various reasons, most baby food lawyers believe state courts likely provide a more favorable venue for victims. The number of toxic baby food lawsuits pending in the federal courts has decreased significantly over the last 16 months. At one point, Hain Celestial had around 25 pending cases against it in federal courts. Now, however, only two of those lawsuits are still pending. The obvious question is why. We think most of these cases were consumer class actions that were voluntarily abandoned following an adverse ruling in New Jersey. Also, new plaintiffs may be electing to bring their case in state court – primarily in California – where there have already been favorable rulings on causation evidence. December 15, 2022 This article takes offense to lawyers advertising for baby food autism lawsuits because the author believes the studies – actually just one meta-analysis – show correlation and not causation. Let’s accept her premise for a moment. The “correlation” in this one study she cites is undeniably strong. Does the author then jump to what needs to be done to determine if it is not just correlation but causation? No. She goes back to railing against lawyers and makes the uncited and unsupportable conclusion like “Class action lawsuits are not new in the U.S., but their scientific basis has weakened over the years.” The irony is rich, right? A completely unfounded conclusion punctuates her lecture about unsubstantiated conclusions. How has the Daubert standard changed over the years, leading to a lower bar in your opinion? Is the study you cited the only study the plaintiffs’ experts rely upon in their conclusions? What does she know that the well-credentialed epidemiologists and medical doctors who have offered opinions in this litigation do not? Does a “non-statistician” – as you concede are – have the bones in this field to be so condescending towards another view? It is good to remember that when it comes to scientific debates like this one, people smarter and more qualified than you disagree with you regardless of which side you are on in the dispute. December 3, 2022 Over 100 lawsuits are pending against baby food companies seeking to hold them liable for the high levels of toxic heavy metals in their products. Beech-Nut and other defendants have recently filed motions to dismiss many of these cases. Based on the legal arguments made in these motions, it is evident what the overall defense strategy will be in these cases. First and foremost, the defendants will aggressively argue that there is no reliable scientific evidence to show that their baby food products (even with the heavy metals) can cause autism and other conditions. Second, the defendants will present a federal preemption defense and argue that the tort claims are preempted by the federal authorities’ ability to regulate the presence of heavy metals in baby food products. November 14, 2022 We get a lot of calls from people who want to bring a baby food ADHD lawsuit. Has ADHD been linked to toxic metals in baby food? It has. But our firm is not yet taking ADHD baby food lawsuits. We think the science needs to be stronger before taking on ADHD claims. Here are firms that seem to be taking ADHD baby food cases. They are not linked to our firm in any way: Miller Injury Firm (really, not us) Kwartler Manus DeGaris Law But there are lots of others taking ADHD cases, too. We just pulled these out for you, pretty much at random. November 6, 2022 A baby food lawsuit will go to trial on May 2, 2023, in Los Angeles, California. That case still has most of the major defendants: *Beech-Nut *Gerber *Parent’s Choice (Walmart) *Hain/Earth’s Best *Sprout *Nurture *Plum August 30, 2022 The earliest baby food autism lawsuits were filed in March 2021 after the release of a Congressional report about the levels of heavy metals in baby foods. There have been about 60 similar product liability lawsuits have been filed against baby food manufacturers in federal and state courts since then. Our lawyers went back and looked at the status of many of the earliest cases. The plaintiffs have voluntarily dismissed a large percentage of them. There is a case in state court heading to trial this summer. It is hard to imagine a scenario where the manufacturers allow that case to go to trial. It is reasonable to expect they will offer a reasonable settlement amount to give them a chance to figure out how they are will approach these autism baby food lawsuits. Our attorneys have not seen any trial dates scheduled in federal court for those cases still pending. But based on normal time frames for federal court cases that could be happening soon. We could see our first autism baby food case go to trial before the end of 2023. June 23, 2022 Our lawyers have been closely tracking incoming toxic baby food autism lawsuits as they continue to get filed in the federal court system. Over the last six months, there have been at least 14 new product liability lawsuits alleging that heavy metals in baby foods led to the development of autism or other neurologic disorders. The most frequently named defendant in these cases has been Nurture, Inc., which makes HappyBaby Organics brand food. Nurture has been named as a defendant in seven of the new toxic baby food cases. Gerber ranks second with 4four cases filed against it, followed by Hain Celestial and Sprout Foods with three lawsuits each. May 26, 2022 The baby food autism lawsuits are getting new steam. California Clears Path for Baby Food Autism Trial in August 2022 First, big news, a California court ruled this week that the plaintiffs – a boy and his family – had presented sufficient science in a baby food autism lawsuit to move forward to trial in August. This is a major development in the baby food toxic metals litigation. California law requires expert witnesses to have a reasonable foundation for their opinions before testifying at trial. In finding for the plaintiffs, the court is finding that the evidence that links autism and baby foods has an adequate foundation to be presented to a jury. What I have been saying all along was getting past this hurdle was the key to plaintiffs winning jury payouts and getting reasonable settlement amounts. Baby Food Class Action Lawsuit in Federal Court In another development in baby food claims, a judge in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California ruled that plaintiffs could proceed with a proposed baby food autism class action lawsuit. This lawsuit in federal court alleges that Walmart knowingly sold its “Parent’s Choice” baby food with toxic metals in it. Independent laboratory testing confirmed last year that Walmart-branded baby food contained levels of heavy metals that were significantly higher than the maximum safe levels set by the FDA. May 2, 2022 There have been a number of baby food lawsuits filed by consumers who looking for a refund for the baby food they bought because the food maker did not disclose the risk of toxic metals in their baby food products. Our baby food lawyers are focused on autism diagnosis lawsuits, not consumer cases. But many of them are being pursued. A federal court judge in New Jersey dismissed a baby food class action lawsuit against Sprout Foods because the plaintiffs did not connect the dots between heavy metals in baby food and the harm to children and it did not demonstrate there are cheaper and safer products available. (Thankfully, a California judge concluded just a month later that the plaintiff did connect the dots between toxic metals in baby food and autism sufficient to send the case to trial this summer.) Discovery of Toxic Heavy Metals in Certain Baby Food Brands In October 2019, a non-profit organization called Happy Babies Bright Futures (“HBBF”), published a report with the results of extensive testing performed on 168 different baby foods sold on the U.S. market. The HBBF report found that over 90% of the tested products were contaminated with arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury. All but nine of 168 baby foods contained at least one of these metals and most contained more than one. Specifically, the HBBF report identified “puffs and other snacks made with rice flour”, “teething biscuits and rice rusks”, “infant rice cereal”, “an apple, pear, grape, and other fruit juices”, and “carrots and sweet potatoes” manufactured by baby food companies as particularly high in the toxic metals. This report kicked off concerns about heavy metals and baby food that ultimately led to the baby food autism lawsuits. Congressional Report Confirms Findings of Toxic Heavy Metals in Baby Food On February 4, 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy issued a detailed investigative report entitled Baby Foods are Tainted with Dangerous Levels of Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium, and Mercury (the “Congressional Report”). The Congressional Report confirmed the HBBF findings that many major baby food brands contain toxic heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, and mercury. baby food heavy metalsThe levels of these metals found in baby food were many times higher than the levels allowed for other products like bottled water. For example, the FDA’s maximum safe level for lead in bottled water is 5 ppb. The Congressional Report found that Beech-Nut brand baby foods tested as high as 886 ppb for lead and Hain Celestial (Nature’s Best) brands contained 641 ppb. Other major brands, including Gerber, Campbell Plum, and Walmart had lead levels between 25-40 ppb, which was still 5-10 times higher than the safe limit. The most shocking finding contained in the Congressional Report, however, was that the food manufacturers were well aware that their products contained these high levels of toxic metals. Internal testing at many manufacturers confirmed that the foods contained dangerously high levels of lead and other metals, but the products were sold anyway. Hain Celestial held a meeting with the FDA at which it acknowledged the heavy metal contamination in its baby food products. The FDA under Trump did nothing in response to this Congressional Report. Under Biden? Nothing but baby steps. Very frustrating. For any victims, all they can do is file a baby food autism lawsuit to be heard and make a difference for their child. What Led to the Congressional Inquiry? In October 2019, a renowned public health organization, named “Healthy Babies Bright Futures” organization (HBBF), released a report titled “What’s in my baby’s food?” that documented a scientific study on early baby foods. The testing conducted by HBBF found toxic heavy metals in 95% of the products tested, and one in four baby foods was found to contain all three dangerous metals, namely, arsenic, lead, and mercury. The report further noted that even “trace amounts” of these toxic substances “can alter the developing brain and erode a child’s IQ.” Additionally, since these metals accumulate in the body over time, each meal or snack a baby eats can have a cumulative impact on the child’s health. After the release of HBBF’s report, the House Subcommittee launched its inquiry. Link Between Autism and Heavy Metals Autism spectrum disorder (“autism”) is a neurologic disorder that impairs the individual’s ability to engage in normal social interactions, learning, and interpersonal communications. Autism comes in different levels of severity and a variety of related symptoms. Autism is not something that can be cured. The exact causes of autism are not fully understood. But there are no serious experts – although defendants will look hard – disagreeing that exposure to heavy metals in early life can cause autism. The CDC and NIH have both noted that exposure to lead, in particular, can lead to neurodevelopmental effects in children, including autistic behaviors. A 2016 consensus statement from a consortium of epidemiologists, autism experts, and medical organizations identified lead and mercury as toxic chemicals that can contribute to ASD. The study that we talked about above from the Healthy Babies Bright Futures organization found that 95% of early baby foods tested contained toxic heavy metals, with one in four containing arsenic, lead, and mercury. Other studies have found that exposure to heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and arsenic during early life is associated with the development of ASD. These studies, which include prospective cohort studies, pre-natal studies, case-control and cross-sectional studies, and meta-analyses, have consistently found a positive association between exposure to heavy metals and the development of autism in children. The fact that these results have been replicated in multiple studies around the world, conducted by different researchers and measuring different end-points, strongly suggests a causal relationship between exposure to toxic metals, like the metals in baby food, and the development of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism, in children. There is evidence that the consumption of toxic heavy metals (such as in baby foods) can cause autism. Many studies – we describe a few below – released over the last decade have consistently found a positive association between exposure to toxic heavy metals (particularly during infancy and early childhood) and the development of autism. Korean Study Linking Mercury and Autism One of the first studies was published in 2014. This study found that environmental exposure to mercury during early infancy caused a twofold increase in the risk of developing autism. A 2017 cohort study of children in Korea found a similar link between mercury exposure and autism. Buffalo Study Linking Arsenic and Autism In 2019, researchers at the University of Buffalo published the results of an extensive study on the association between children’s exposure to arsenic and autism. The analysis concluded that there is consistent evidence supporting a positive association between early-life inorganic arsenic exposure and autism diagnosis. New York Studying Linking Cadmium and Mercury to Autism Similar results were observed in another systematic review and meta-analysis published in 2020 by researchers at the State University of New York. This study found a similar connection between autism and exposure to cadmium and mercury. Lawsuits Alleging Heavy Metals in Baby Food Cause Autism The Congressional Report about heavy metals in baby food has prompted many product liability lawsuits against baby food manufacturers by parents who allege that these products caused their children to develop autism. The baby food autism lawsuits are based in part on findings in the Congressional Report. The report confirmed what baby food lawyers have been saying long before these autism lawsuits were being taken seriously. Baby food manufacturers were aware their food contained unsafe levels of heavy metals. Some baby food companies have ignored their internal testing procedures for detecting heavy metals in their products. The foundation of every heavy metal food autism lawsuit is the complaint that these companies simply ignored test results finding dangerously high metal levels. Many of these companies violated their internal company standards in doing so. It is not too dramatic to say that is putting profits over babies. Other manufacturers, such as Hain Celestial, simply don’t bother to test their products for heavy metal contamination levels. Some companies, such as Plum Organics and Sprout Foods, Inc., refused to cooperate with the congressional investigation, so we don’t know what testing they may have done on their products. All these baby food companies either knew or should have known about the scientific research linking exposure to heavy metals in baby food causes autism. Universal Agreement on Lead in Baby Food Lead is a heavy metal that is a known neurotoxin and carcinogen. Lead is readily absorbed into body tissue and it is hard to expel. This makes lead harmful for longer. This is not just the musing of a lawyer looking to file a baby food autism lawsuit. There is widespread agreement on the perils of children consuming lead. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC): “No safe blood lead level has been identified.” The Food and Drug Administration (FDA): There is no known identified safe blood lead level.” The World Health Organization (WHO): The neurological and behavioral effects of lead are believed to be irreversible. There is no known ‘safe’ blood lead concentration…” The American Medical Association (AMA): “We know that there is no safe level of lead.” American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): “There is no safe level of lead exposure in children, with lasting decreases in cognition documented in children with blood levels as low as 5 micrograms per deciliter of lead in blood.” The House Report on baby food found up to 177 times – 177 times! – more than the levels of lead deemed acceptable for adults. So why do we continue to allow lead in baby food? This recent study provides one answer. We are not getting decisions and recommendations from neutral third parties with our children’s best interests in mind. We are getting it from people in the industry who profit from not properly monitoring the lead levels in the food that we are giving our children. NEC baby formula lawsuits Example of Baby Food Autism Lawsuit Not long after the Congressional Report detailing the extent of heavy metal contamination in various major baby food brands was made public, a group of baby food autism lawsuits was filed across the country. These autism lawsuits asserted that the baby food companies knew that their products contained unsafe levels of toxic heavy metals and that the plaintiffs developed autism as a proximate result of consuming the metals in these foods. One of these contaminated baby food autism lawsuits was the case of Lawrence v. Hain Celestial Group, et al., 1:21-cv-01287 (E.D. NY), which was filed in federal court in New York in March 2021. The 50-page complaint in Lawrence sets forth the full story behind the discovery of toxic levels of heavy metals in baby foods, starting with the HBBF call to action to the subsequent congressional investigation. The complaint lays out a detailed statement of the scientific causation evidence regarding the link between autism and exposure to lead, arsenic, mercury, and other heavy metals during early childhood development. In the “Plaintiff-Specific Allegations” section, the baby food causes autism lawsuit states that the baby was regularly fed Earth’s Best Organic and other baby food brands manufactured by the defendants. The complaint relies on the congressional report for its assertion that these foods were contaminated with various heavy metals and claims, based on “prevailing scientific evidence,” that consuming these metals in baby food causes autism. The complaint sets forth seven separate product liability causes of action. The causes of action included strict liability claims for failure to warn, design defect, and manufacturing defect. The four negligence claims were based on the same three3 theories, plus an additional claim for negligent misrepresentation. February 2022 Baby Food Class Action Lawsuit Baby food manufacturers Gerber, Beech-Nut, Nuture Inc., Plum Inc., Sprout Foods, and Walmart, were named as defendants in a new consumer toxic baby food class action lawsuit filed last week in Los Angeles County Superior Court. This autism baby food lawsuit alleges that the defendants violated numerous consumer protection laws by falsely marketing their products as safe when they contained dangerously high levels of toxic heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and arsenic. The plaintiffs seeking to represent the class are 13 individuals who allegedly purchased and used baby food products manufactured by the defendants. None of the plaintiffs (or their children) have suffered any physical injuries and the lawsuit only seeks economic and statutory damages. The factual allegations in this baby food lawsuit are drawn almost entirely from the data reported last year in a U.S. Congressional subcommittee report about toxic metal contamination in baby foods. The bigger question is whether there will be a baby food autism class action lawsuit. There are not enough cases yet. But this litigation is gaining steam. So we see if a class action is on the horizon in these heavy metal baby food lawsuits. Who Are the Defendants in Baby Food autism Lawsuits? Possible defendants in your baby food autism lawsuit include: Beech-Nut Gerber Hain Celestial Group (Earth’s Best Organic) Nurture (Happy Family Organics and HappyBABY Plum) Organics Sprout Foods (Sprout Organic Food) Walmart (Parent’s Choice) Where Are the Baby Food Autism Lawsuits Going? There is no federal MDL class action baby food autism lawsuit. There are cases filed individually around the country in state and federal courts. Many toxic baby food lawsuits have been filed in California. These suits are progressive more quickly there than in other jurisdictions. If one of these lawsuits makes it to trial and gets a verdict, this litigation will explode. What has to happen before a baby food lawsuit makes it to trial? The big thing is getting the trial judge to agree that the science shows there is a link between baby food and autism. There are good studies that link heavy metal and autism. But baby food autism lawyers need to show that this link extends to the metals in baby food. In federal court cases, courts use a process called Daubert to determine if the science is strong enough to proceed to trial. In California, the process is called Sargon. Both are named after court cases that set federal and California standards for whether the science presented by the experts is sufficient. If toxic baby food lawyers get past this hurdle, that could compel baby food makers to work harder to get rid of toxic heavy metals in their products… and offer reasonable settlement amounts for the pending toxic baby food lawsuits. In the California lawsuits, four heavy hitter experts testified for the plaintiffs: Dr. Beate Ritz (epidemiologist at UCLA) Dr. Hannah Gardener (Epidemiologist at the University of Miami) Dr. Michael Aschner (Professor of Neuroscience at Albert Einstein) Dr. Kevin Shapiro (Executive Director of Research and Therapeutic Technologies at Cortica) It would seem difficult to suggest that these experts do not employ well-tested science to form their conclusions. We will see. [Update: The Sargon hearing did happen. The hearing allowed both sides to present their experts and explain the scientific evidence that supports their arguments. Judge Amy D. Hogue of the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles held the Sargon hearing for this case in two parts, with the plaintiffs presenting their experts in January and February and the defendants presenting their experts in March. Judge Hogue determined that the plaintiff’s experts had used valid methodologies to arrive at their scientific conclusions that heavy metals can cause autism and other disorders in children. So the case continues in a big win for not just these plaintiffs but every family who has brought or is considering bringing a claim.] Baby Food Autism Settlement Amounts If toxic baby food lawsuits alleging autism are successful, the settlement amounts in these cases could be enormous. Settlement Amounts Are Speculative at This Point But let’s take a step back. Estimating the settlement payouts for any personal injury claim is inherently speculative. There are so many variables and no two cases are exactly alike in terms of the various factors that impact settlement compensation or a jury payout. Not Many Injuries Comparable to Autism Estimating the settlement amounts for a baby food autism lawsuit is a particular challenge. The most reliable method of estimating settlement value is by looking at settlements in prior cases involving comparable injuries and other circumstances. For a toxic baby food lawsuit, however, prior comps don’t exist. There have never been any successful tort lawsuits in which autism was the primary injury. Previous efforts to link autism to some type of negligent action have generally failed. Birth Injury Cases Are Lens to Settlement Amounts in Baby Food Autism Lawsuits In the absence of prior settlements or verdicts awarding compensation for autism, our baby food lawyers look at prior cases involving injuries with similarities to autism. The best comps for this are probably birth injury malpractice cases involving permanent neurologic injuries. Neurologic birth injuries are comparable to autism because they result in: permanent limitations in a child’s mental functioning, a lifetime of future medical care, and a lifetime of future lost income from reduced earning capacity. Birth injury cases involving permanent neurologic injuries have a very high settlement value. Birth injury cases involving cerebral palsy have the highest average settlement value of any type of personal injury malpractice. Cerebral palsy is not a good comparable injury to autism because C.P. often involves severe physical disabilities and more extensive medical care. Successful Lawsuit Settlement Compensation Amount Predictions The best comparable lawsuit is those involving neurologic birth injuries that result in mental but not physical impairment. Cases involving this type of permanent injury to a child have an average jury payout in the range of $1,200,000 to $5,000,000 depending on the severity level of the mental impairment. The toxic baby food autism cases would probably have a somewhat lower settlement value because of the potential problems with establishing causation. Realistically, there is also the question of how much these companies would be able to pay without declaring bankruptcy. This is a hard variable to bake into a settlement amount estimate. Assuming there is enough money to pay settlements and solid causation evidence linking baby food metal to autism – this was a quantum leap assumption that is less of a leap after the court’s ruling in May 2022 I talk about above – toxic baby food lawsuits alleging autism could have a settlement value of around $450,000 to $1,500,000, depending on the severity of the autism. Some Baby Foods Are Safe The narrative the baby food manufacturers want to push in these toxic baby food lawsuits is that these toxins are just in the environment and they cannot make baby food without these toxic metals. But it is not true. Not all baby food brands are contaminated with unsafe levels of toxic heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, and mercury. There are a number of companies making baby foods that do not contain heavy metals above the maximum safe levels set by health authorities. These companies use higher-quality ingredients with fewer heavy metals and also perform strict product quality testing on the contamination levels of their product before they leave the production line. Below is a list of “safe” baby food brands that ensure their products do not contain high levels of toxins and heavy metals. Once Upon a Farm: this is a new company that makes baby foods with higher quality, organic ingredients and ensures that there are no high levels of heavy metals. The downside is that they also do not use any preservatives on their products, so everything has to be refrigerated. Yumi: Yumi has some of the strictest product quality control testing in the industry. Not only do they test their finished products, but they also test for metals in the organic ingredients before they use them. Yumi also sources its ingredients based on an analysis of soil contamination data to determine what the safest growing locations are. Little Spoon: this is a fresh baby food company that makes its products without preservatives and delivers them to customers directly on a subscription basis. This allows them to ensure the highest quality without heavy metals. In addition to buying higher-quality baby foods that test for heavy metals, there are other ways to reduce the amount of heavy metals your child consumes in their diet. One of the best ways is to avoid giving them fruit juice. Juice, especially certain types like grape juice, often contains high trace levels of arsenic. Another tip is to avoid feeding your child rice-based products because rice absorbs metals in the soil and tends to have the highest trace amounts of heavy metals.
Zeolite for Autism and must
read doctors report on why he will only
use zeolite in Autism 'Brain Damage' cases !
Conference Call with Dr. Peter Prociuk! Notes from conference call with Dr. Peter Prociuk, who is working with liquid zeolite and reversing symptoms of autism and other behavioral disorders in children. Notes taken by Karuna Thal are not a totally complete transcription. There is nothing added, and nothing important left out. In this transcript we are referring only to liquid zeolite, not to a brand name, in order to be in accord with FDA regulations. Dr. Peter Prociuk, M. D., Conference call April 6, 2006 Dr Peter Prociuk, a specialist in childhood Autism, has recorded a call in which he discusses the results of his trials with Zeolite, and several studies that are being conducted on Zeolite and Autism. Hostess & MC: Marcy Littlejohn Dr. Prociuk – Thank you for the invitation Marcy. I totally appreciate having the opportunity to speak about these wonderful products. My career started out pretty normally. I was board certified internal medicine in 1985, and worked in a teaching hospital initially, affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania. I’ve been an assistant director of an intensive care unit, and I also was involved in emergency medicine for a number of years. The limitations of traditional medicine were very apparent to me from the very beginning of medical school. Fortunately, as I look back, I can say I never really trusted the drug culture that was carefully molded into us as medical students. I always had an open ear and an open eye for something else. As I continued to practice as a regular doctor, my dissatisfaction with traditional methods progressively increased. I was continually faced with the question, “Doctor, what can you do to help me get rid of my condition, instead of giving me something that just temporarily relieves the symptoms. After years of study and long hours of hard work, I simply didn’t have an answer to those questions. That made me extremely frustrated. At one point I was ready to throw in the towel and take up book binding or something for a living. At that time I met an elderly gentleman who was a doctor and practicing homeopath. To make a long story short, I took up his offer to practice homeopathy. He gave me his practice in 1992. Through the 90s I practiced very happily and with a great deal of satisfaction as a classical homeopath. During the 90s I encountered lots of kids with various developmental challenges, and while homeopathy was very helpful in a lot many of those cases, there were a good number who only partially responded, and many who didn’t respond at all. It was clear to me that there was a level of toxicity involved in their conditions for which more physical methods of treatment were required. Homeopathy, as some of you may know, is a form of energy medicine, similar to acupuncture. That type of treatment alone just didn’t seem to cut the mustard. I attended some conferences that addressed the issue of toxicity in children. I learned some of the methods to deal with them, primarily through nutrition, dietary changes and Chelation. I started integrating those methods in my practice in the late 90s and early 2000s. My introduction to liquid zeolite came through my partner’s mother, who was diagnosed with very advanced uterine cancer in late 2005. After about 2 months on liquid zeolite, there was no clinical evidence that she had any cancer left. That’s just an eye popper. You just absolutely have to stop dead in your tracks and look at what this product is. Literally there was nothing in my previous experience that remotely resembled that kind of dramatic results. As I studied this very remarkable product further, I understood it to be a tremendously powerful agent of detoxification, and I recognized that it had a wonderful application in the autism world. I’ve been using it with a wonderful degree of success, and without the problems associated with traditional Chelation. Also, a pretty wide range of other problems are very much helped by liquid zeolite, in that it removes the toxicity that promotes the establishment of a wide number of diseases. There’s lots more I could say, but I think I’ll open it up for questions. Marcy– I have a list of questions, and will start with the ones that were sent in ahead of time. I also have some guests on the line who will ask questions. Peter and I have been working with each other and with a group of autistic children… We each have some great testimonies. Peter has been working with somewhere between 30 or 40 kids already… and only 1 didn’t show results in the first couple of months? Dr. Prociuk– Yes. Traditional methods of Chelation the last form I used was transdermal DMPS. You have to do that for several months before you start to see anything either in terms of detox reaction or clinical response. Not in every child but the protocol generally calls for along Chelation, up to 2 years, with testing in between to make sure you’re not depleting minerals, and also from time to time checking liver function, because DMPS has a low risk of hepatic toxicity. None of those complications exist with liquid zeolite. It doesn’t have depletion issues. It doesn’t have any liver toxicity. Also the propensity for other chelators to aggregate yeast overgrowth, which plagues this population of patients, also doesn’t exist with liquid zeolite. Liquid zeolite has fungicidal and fungi static properties of its own. Very importantly, traditional chelators have a selected target. They’re charge specific and only 3 have an affinity for metals with a specific charge. Liquid zeolite doesn’t have that limitation. It complexes the full spectrum of heavy metals with equal affinity, and that makes it a vastly superior choice in my opinion… It’s the perfect tool. As a clinician, you really can’t ask for anything better. Marcy– When we see something without any dangerous side effects and virtually incredible results, it is incredible. Dr. Prociuk – Some parents have reported a shift in their child within the first day or two. Others take a little longer. Sometimes the results are very dramatic, sometimes they’re a bit more gradual. With perhaps 2 exceptions I haven’t heard a single parent tell me they haven’t had any results at all. That’s generally after the first month when they come back for a follow up. That was not my experience with DMPS. You have to stay the course and hope… After 3 or 4 months you have to have patience and encourage patience in the parents. This is infinitely more satisfying as a clinician to have a product like this to use-a real delight actually. Marcy– As a non-clinician the results are delightful for me. You don’t have to have a degree to use this. We are so blessed that moms, dads, aunts, and uncles can bring this product to the family and know they are safe in doing so. Dr. Prociuk -The other thing I want to mention is that you have such tremendous control over the dosage. You can literally start with one drop if you have a very sensitive kid. Or you can even dilute that one drop and give them less if you have an extraordinarily sensitive child, and work up slowly. The liquid zeolite lasts in the body 4 to 7 hours. It’s not stored, it’s not metabolized. And that gives you a tremendous amount of control and lack of worry in terms of side effects, which is a huge advantage. Marcy – That answers one of our questions beautifully. I didn’t even have to state the question… Do you have an idea what you’d use for a weight scale in working with children? Dr. Prociuk– I don’t go by weight. I try to get an assessment of a child’s sensitivity. A 50 pound child may be able to handle an adult dose very comfortably. On the other hand, a metabolically challenged child might be able to handle only 2 drops. So in this particular population, as a rule, I will always start with a low dose-say 2 drops twice a day, and I’ll caution the parents to look for detox symptoms. Slowly work up according to the child’s response. For a child, I’d never exceed 10 drops 3x/day, and very often much less is required. You gauge how much you give according to what you see. If you run into a detox kind of situation where there’s nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, increased hyperactivity, skimming, things like that – I’ll skip a dose or two, let the reaction die down, and resume it at the previous lower dose. I don’t believe that pushing a child through the detoxification phase does anything favorable for the child or parent… You can go more slowly, give everybody a break, and in the end get the results. It may take a little longer. It’s a more comfortable and easier way to go. I’m a firm believer that the “one size fits all” simply doesn’t click in clinical medicine. You have to take each person separately and take into account his or her individual sensitivity and go accordingly. Question:Are really 1 in every 120 kids is diagnosed with autism? Marcy– Do you see that to be true? Dr. Prociuk– Clearly we have an epidemic of neurodevelopment disorders, and we have the sickest generation ever, 1/3 of the children on some kind of chronic medication. Ask any adult how many of our classmates as kids had asthma. Now it’s 3 in every class. Not only in autism spectrum, but in the whole health picture. It’s taking a marked, and scary turn for the worst. It’s clearly environmental-not genetic, or humans would have been wiped out eons ago. We’re seeing roughly the same statistics in all part of the country. In my opinion, it’s the lunatic vaccine schedule that children are getting. I believe it’s not just the MMR. There are many factors to be considered… Thimerosal is putting 80 times the EPA recommended amount into an infant is not only lunatic but also criminal. There’s the biological effect-the human immune system is designed to deal with one antigen at a time. Vaccines inject 8 to 10 antigens at one time. When you do that, something is going to break. Liquid zeolite appears to be efficacious with a very wide variety of toxins, including all the toxins associated with vaccines… including… heavy metals, yeast toxins… that’s what makes it such a valuable tool in dealing with this. Any child would benefit from liquid zeolite just to clean up the garbage. Marcy– Peter is a doctor. We don’t make medical claims. What we are doing is trying to help your awareness. We are making every effort to educate people about a clear, concise victory weapon. We want to give clear information, without making claims. Question:My 3 year old has been on liquid zeolite 5 for 3 weeks. He doesn’t grind his teeth at night any more. Why? Dr. Prociuk – Skimming, slapping, eye movements, pinching, teeth grinding are symptoms of a central nervous system that is constantly short-circuiting. There was a paper written comparing symptoms of mercury toxicity to autism- there are about 100 symptoms in each column, and they are remarkably similar. The fact this child is no longer doing that is evidence that liquid zeolite has removed toxins from this child, which is a wonderful thing. You can be sure it worked without stirring up yeast… and causing depletion of essential minerals. Question – Have any of your patients gotten completely well? Dr. Prociuk – Kids that have no recognizable symptoms of autism are a definite minority. Maybe 10% of the kids I’ve treated have fallen into that category. Developmental pediatricians, etc. say the diagnosis of autism no longer apply to that child. With the majority, there are still ongoing issues of a developmental nature that require time and patience. With liquid zeolite I had one guy whose feet were raw and flaking, they looked like hamburger. They cleared up after a few weeks on liquid zeolite. People say, “is it good for this…?” The degree to which systemic toxicity is causing that situation is the degree to which it will help. You use it to clean the house. When the house is clean, the body’s ability to heal itself will function that much better. Question – Does it matter what age the child is? Dr. Prociuk – In general, the younger the better, the condition is not that deeply established, however anybody can respond. You cannot predict how a patient will respond or not respond. I’m presently treating a 35 year old autistic lady who had no ability to focus or stay on track whatsoever. After a few weeks on liquid zeolite, her mother said she read 3 pages of a book without stopping and with comprehension. The individual’s ability to heal should never be prejudged. Use the liquid zeolite to clean house. According to that patient’s ability to respond, the response will be there. Question – Have you have experience with Aspergers’ condition? Dr. Prociuk– I have a number of children with Aspergers taking liquid zeolite. None of the parents have reported a great shift. However theirsocial interactions all seem to be moving in a beneficial direction. Asperger Syndrome is within ASP spectrum. It’s not full-blown autism… Marcy – Some of the kids have stopped spinning, have stopped wearing helmets. Dr. Prociuk– We’re seeing increased eye contact. The mother who first sees it will tell you that’s not a small thing. Improvement in speech, receptive language, expressive language, increased bowel function across the board. This can have wide ranging clinical benefits. Whatever is wrong, that child can respond to good detox regimen. Question – Last night my autistic 4 year old was kicking his feet in the tub. He looked at me to see my reaction. We’re seeing increased activity. What should we do with dose? Dr. Prociuk – I’d adjust dose… it seems like a detox. If there’s disruption in the household, you could skip a dose or 2, or go to a lower dose. The great thing about this product is you can totally customize a dose. You can give different doses in morning and evening. You can’t do that with other Chelation agents. Question – Please explain basic liquid zeolite mechanism. Dr. Prociuk – Liquid zeolite is a honeycomb shaped molecule. It has a vast absorptive surface area. 100 drops contains an absorptive surface area of 80 to 90 square feet, which is incredible. In one level teaspoon roughly, there is 80 to 90 absorptive square feet of surface area. It is a very strongly negatively charged molecule. Toxins of all sorts, and certainly heavy metals, are all, without exception, positively charged. The basic mechanism of action is; there’s a magnetic attraction to toxic build up areas in the body. Toxins are preferentially bonded to the zeolite because the zeolite contains a much stronger pull than the tissue to which the toxin is attached. The question of depletion of essential minerals arises, because you’ll say that calcium, magnesium, zinc, and other essentials are also positively charged. They do have an affinity for the zeolite molecule, but it’s a much lower affinity than heavy metals because of the shape and size of the essential minerals. It’s a molecular dimension issue more than anything. When in the presence of heavy metals, whatever essential minerals are bound to the zeolite are easily displaced by the heavy metals which have a much stronger affinity for the binding sites of the zeolite. When the molecule reaches electrical neutrality after it has complexed whatever it’s complexing it goes easily out the kidneys or the liver. It is an extraordinarily simple mechanism of action and an extraordinarily effective. Normal healthy tissue, because it’s slightly alkaline and carries a negative charge will repel the zeolite. This is why it has this extraordinary safety profile. Marcy– A young girl went from spinning stage-no longer rocking and knocking. I talk about what kids couldn’t do that they are doing now. She didn’t speak, or associate with people other than her mother. Within the first few weeks of using the product – 10 drops 3x/day – she started going through the house following people. The following turned into pantomime and the use imagination, which is one of the criteria that seems to be missing from our kids… In a little more than 3 weeks she began conversation. We’re very excited about the conversations that started with “Let me do that.” Dr. Prociuk – One of the things that will be observed with liquid zeolite is what we call retracing. Retracing is the transient return of old symptoms. In treating an autistic kid, parents will sometimes say, “the speech is better, eye contact is better, receptive speech is better, imaginative play is better… but he’s doing this particular skim which he did a year ago and we haven’t seen it for a year.” What retracing means is that means the cellular memory of that particular symptom has been retained. Just because it disappeared doesn’t mean it’s been resolved, it’s still layered over by something else. One of the signs of a deep healing reaction is retracing. When you start to see old symptoms transiently reappear, it means a very deep healing reaction is going on. You can push through that. A retracing is something you can push through. It’s very different than a detoxification. An acute detoxification reaction-you’ll see nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, sweating, lethargy… an increased aggravation of the current symptom picture of what’s already going on. That’s very different from retracing. If you do see retracing, stay the course, and almost without exception that behavior will go away in a few days. Marcy– Dr. Rau is very familiar with what we’re talking about. He has some questions. Dr. Rau – When you treat the children with liquid zeolite, do you exclusively treat the children with liquid zeolite, or continue to use other protocol? Dr. Prociuk – Do I continue to use other elements of the DAN protocol and dietary supplementation? The answer is definitely yes. Liquid zeolite is simply the detoxification end of it. These kids all still need nutritional supplementation according to their particular metabolic imbalances, and the dietary modifications, which are appropriate for each child. Those are maintained and are an essential part of the treatment. Dr. Rau – When we chelate with other agents- DMPS or EDTA, I follow the metals… do you have a way to do that with liquid zeolite? Dr. Prociuk – Yes… I have hair and urine results pending. Some DAM doctors monitor that very frequently. That’s not my practice. I’ll have a specimen every 2 or 3 months. I can’t tell you the results yet. Clinical results interest me most. They are very satisfying, and I don’t have any doubt that there is a shedding of heavy metals or whatever toxins are affecting the child. You may be aware of Dr. Flowers’ work at Eno Research & Development lab, where he documented heavy mental excretion studies in a group of coal miners, and also in 2 groups healthy men. That occurred within a very short time following liquid zeolite administration. Urinary excretion of heavy metals has definitely been established already. Marcy – They did a very thorough test-all results were amazing using high tech stuff like gas-chromatography-mass spectroscopy as well as hair, urine and saliva analysis…. Dr. Prociuk– He demonstrated that all the heavy metals were excreted, not just mercury or lead. Dr. Flower’s research showed an increased simultaneous excretion of a full spectrum of heavy metals. That was very clear and very dramatic. Dr. Rau– I find a number of children have high titers of viruses-rubella, cytomegalovirus… Do you think the detoxification also affects viruses? Dr. Prociuk – I have one case, which directly pertains to that. A young girl came to me in December. She had deteriorated dramatically after an MMR booster in August of 2005. Her history was that at the age of her original injury was at about 18 months, after her first MMR, she was devastated, made a complete recovery, and for some reason and at the age of 5 the lunatic pediatrician gave her another booster, and she completely fell apart. Heavy metals are hard to assess. Her urine and hair analysis didn’t show metals, but her titer of rubella was many times higher than normal. It seemed to me pretty clear to me. I think she was affected by the biologic injury of that vaccine. She had incredible hyperactivity – she was constantly in motion and babbling away. She simply wouldn’t stop moving for one millisecond. It was truly astonishing. Within about 2 weeks of the liquid zeolite she began to settle down. She went through a detox. Her detox was abrupt vomiting. She’d be going along and all of the sudden vomit, and then she was fine. Then she’d vomit some more, then she’d be fine. That happened about 4 or 5 times over about a one-week period. After that there were noticeable improvements in her hyperactivity. I saw her in follow up last week. Her mother was in the bathroom, and this child was sitting in my waiting room reading a book. That was 2 months after being on liquid zeolite, and the change was absolutely extraordinary. I can’t prove it, but that’s empiric evidence to me that the liquid zeolite can deal with the biologic injury of these vaccines as well. Obviously that’s a small number of cases, but nonetheless very dramatic… Marcy – The most important study is what you do yourself at home. Do your own study – take the product home and see what it does for you and your family. We’re working with many wonderful doctors who are led to what we have because of their genuine concern for the children… I have somebody else I’d like to invite to ask a question. Denise runs a big rehab clinic for autistc spectrum disorders for kids. Her clinic is called Excel, and she’s very interested… in what you have to say. Denise – What if the child is taking other meds, like seizure medication or something like that? Would it impact the dosage level of the other meds? The other question: Looking at the structure of the molecule, they refer to the honeycomb… if those are carbon molecules, I thought that could only bond 4 times, and it seems like there’s a bond of 5. What creates the stability of the structure? Dr. Prociuk – Regarding medications, I asked this question to the chairman of the scientific advisory board, Rik Deitsch. He said the 2 drug counter-indications to liquid zeolite are lithium – a metal, which will be bound by liquid zeolite, and the chemotherapy agents carboplatin and cisplatin. Both contain platinum… The recommendation is that approximately 12 hours before receiving those drugs, and for 24 hours after, liquid zeolite not be given. All other drugs carry a neutral or slightly negative charge, and for that reason they have no particular affinity for the liquid zeolite, so it will not interfere. I’ve used it with my adult patients on thyroid and heart medications, and have seen no evidence at all that it interferes with those drugs… The circulatory life of the liquid zeolite in the body is 4 to 6 hours. It doesn’t store, it doesn’t metabolize at all, and is completely eliminated. There are no long-term issues with liquid zeolite whatsoever. It’s extraordinarily safe. Regarding the second question, I’m a little out of my league. I’m not a molecular physicist. Dr. Flowers gave all the molecular info at the conference. As I understand it, part of the absorptive part of the molecule is the honeycomb. It’s within the honeycomb that this negative charge exists. The 4 carbon square, I’m not sure. Marcy – I have somebody here who has the answer to that question. My husband Chip has been working with Rik and may have the answer to that question. Chip Littlejohn – Zeolite is a mineral, not an organic substance. If you look at the patent, or if you’re just now getting the power point by Dr. Flowers, he has a beautiful diagram there of the molecules hooked together to each other to form this labyrinth. It’s comprised of silicone, magnesium, and – don’t bail out on me with shock now – aluminum. Remember, it was born in a volcano and it takes a volcano to break the molecule again. It’s extremely stable. Though aluminum is part of the molecule the aluminum stays in the molecule, and it will pick up, trap, and transport free aluminum and other toxic substances out of the body. You go right down through the chain of heavy metals. It will become clear to you as you read the material, and especially when you see the honeycomb build in the power point from Dr. Flowers. Dr. Prociuk– What Chip alluded to… You have to heat the molecule to 900 degrees Fahrenheit before it will break apart. This makes the molecule extremely safe and stable… It won’t open up within the body and release the toxins unless you jump into a lava bath yourself. Marcy – All the pollutants, which are naturally in clinoptilolite, have been removed from the product before it comes to our people. So we’re sending it into the body hungry so it can remove the pollutants. Denise – Is it OK to recommend this product to patients who are not seeing a homeopathic physician at the same time? Marcy – I’m not a physician, but the list of children I’ve helped with product is growing dramatically. It does not have to be promoted by a physician. It’s great when a physician uses this product. Dr. Prociuk – I would agree with Marcy. With patients that are essentially stable, you can recommend liquid zeolite without a physician being involved. Start at a low dose, and caution the parents to increase it gradually. You’ve got this tremendous safety profile going for you. As long as you start low and go slow, you won’t have any difficulty. If I were a parent of an autistic child, I’d have my child on it, whether my child was seeing a physician or not. Question – What dosage would you recommend for a 14 month old with an undiagnosed neurological problem? Dr. Prociuk – In terms of dose, I might start as low as 1 drop 3x/day, and slowly work up to a maximum of maybe 5 drops 3x/day. I treated a lady in her third trimester-I mentioned this in the call we had last week. In her second trimester she got a flu vaccine that had 25 mg of Thimerosal in it. After the vaccine she noticed a decrease in the number of fetal movements. I put her on 10 drops of liquid zeolite 3 times a day. She definitely detoxed. She had heat flushes and reactions going on. Her urine was kind of putrid for a week or so. After that was all over, the fetal movements definitely increased. I feel confident the development of that child is on a different trajectory now. In terms of safety I’m confident enough in the safety profile of this product to have given it to a pregnant woman without any concern. Question – We have a girl with Aspergers. Her current medication is […] Shall we try liquid zeolite? Dr. Prociuk – Yes, you should try liquid zeolite. I would start with 5 drops, 3x/ and work up to 10 drops 3 times a day. Question – Can you address liquid zeolite and it’s benefits to candida, and ADD. Also does liquid zeolite help clean the body of recreational drugs? Dr. Prociuk – I don’t have any direct experience with recreational drugs. The answer to those kinds of questions – to the degree that toxicity to that substance is an issue, I do believe the liquid zeolite has a role in the recovery of that patient. Marcy – I’d like you to describe the process of what won you over to liquid zeolite and our cause. Dr. Prociuk – The main catalyst was my partner’s mother. As a doctor, to see a stage 3-B, very advanced, very aggressive uterine cancer resolve – that completely blew my head. I’d never encountered anything like that. As I began to look more at the molecule, speak to the people involved, and understand the quality of the company and the people involved, I couldn’t ignore it. As my involvement has deepened, the level of my satisfaction and delight in seeing the results and using the product has progressively increased. Marcy – If there’s one thing you did not get to say on the call… what do you think that question would be, and what’s the answer? Dr. Prociuk – From a broad birds’eye perspective, this product is of such an extraordinary nature, that I truly believe it will be a catalyst that will change the entire paradigm of clinical medicine. Currently we’re locked into a disease classification kind of paradigm. In fact that’s kind of arbitrary and man made and probably doesn’t have much relationship to real world. The realities of disease are there are genetic susceptibilities or predispositions, and there are environmental stresses including physical toxins that we’re exposed to. It’s the combination of these susceptibilities and the environmental stressors that produce the various conditions that we call diseases. The whole paradigm of clinical medicine, I believe, is going to shift, more to understanding what can we do to remove the stressors, because that will allow the natural capacity of the body to become liberated and do what it knows how to do. We have in our hands a product which is absolutely remarkable in it’s power to do that. I think that the opportunity to participate in this whole shift is truly extraordinary. It’s certainly something I want to be part of. 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What is the difference between powder zeolite
and nano zeolite ?
Zeolites are a family of naturally occurring or synthetically produced minerals that have a unique cage-like structure, which makes them useful for various applications, including detoxification and industrial processes. When discussing zeolite for health or detoxification purposes, the size and processing of the zeolite particles can be relevant. Here's a basic breakdown of the difference between "powder zeolite" and "nano zeolite": Size : Powder Zeolite: Typically refers to micron-sized zeolite particles. The particle size can vary, but they're generally larger than nano zeolites. Nano Zeolite: Refers to zeolite particles that are at the nanometer scale. These are much smaller than micron-sized particles and, as a result, may have different properties or effects. Surface Area: Because of the smaller particle size of nano zeolites, they typically have a much larger surface area per unit of volume compared to powder zeolites. This increased surface area might offer more effective binding or adsorption capacities. Absorption and Bioavailability: The smaller size of nano zeolites might allow for better absorption in the digestive tract if taken orally. This potentially leads to more effective systemic distribution and detoxification capabilities. Processing: Creating nano zeolites often requires more advanced processing methods to achieve the smaller particle size, ensuring that the zeolite retains its beneficial properties. Safety and Efficacy: The safety and efficacy of any health product or supplement, including zeolite, will depend on its specific formulation, the dosage, the purity of the product, and other factors. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement. Uses: While both powder and nano zeolites can be used in health supplements, their particle size might make them more suited for particular applications. For instance, powder zeolites might be used more in industrial settings for processes like water purification, while nano zeolites might be more common in health and wellness products. It's worth noting that while zeolites have been studied for their potential health benefits, especially in the context of detoxification, it's crucial to choose products from reputable sources and consult with a healthcare professional before use. Not all zeolite products are created equal, and their quality can vary significantly between manufacturers.
How long should I take zeolite for ?
The Power of Zeolite: A Decade of Detox and Renewed Health Have you ever wondered, "How long should I take zeolite?" From my personal journey spanning over a decade, I will tell you my thoughts on why this is something we should be taking everyday…. The Toxin Build-Up in Our Bodies : Our bodies accumulate toxins and heavy metals over the years, tucked deep within our cells. This build-up can lead to various health issues. Given the increasing exposure to environmental toxins—from the air we breathe to the water we drink—it's imperative we prioritize detoxification for our wellbeing. My Personal Transformation with PBX Nano Spray : My battle with allergies and asthma, triggered by mold toxicity from residing in a damp house during my younger years, led me to discover the PBX Nano Spray. Within a span of six months, my symptoms vanished, revealing the profound depths at which these toxins had settled. The consistent use of this spray not only alleviated my health concerns but also enhanced my sleep quality, energy levels, and mental clarity. The very interesting thing here is that I started the PBX Nano Spray detox as just a general detox and on the back of that all my allergies and asthma cleared up. Your Path to Healthier Living Taking charge of your health is a personal decision. However, based on my transformative experience, I'd recommend a minimum commitment of six months with the PBX Nano Spray. By that point, the rejuvenating effects become more of a reality and not a quick fix, bringing in a revitalizedz zest for life. For those starting, consider the zeolite kit now available at a promotional price of £25, down from £75. Consistency is key. Despite life's many distractions, making the PBX Nano Spray a daily ritual was a life-altering decision for me. Unlocking True Wellness Imagine a life free from the constant onslaught of toxins—from processed foods, vaccines, air, water, pesticides, and more. We would not have to be detoxing but that is not the case in modern day society. As we cleanse our system, our cells rejuvenate, functioning at their optimum. This is not just about detoxification; it's about reclaiming our health. I stand by the PBX Nano Spray as the cornerstone of my health journey. If you're seeking guidance, I offer a complimentary 30-minute consultation on heavy metal detoxification. Together, let's dive deeper into how this can transform your life for the better.
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team ???
Spread the Word: Help People Detox with Zeolite PBX Nano Spray ! Are you ready to make a significant impact and assist people in their detox journey with Zeolite PBX Nano Spray? Join us and help share the transformative power of Zeolite, a whole-body detox solution, changing lives across the globe. Why Share Zeolite? Many have already embarked on this mission, disseminating valuable knowledge about Zeolite's benefits and seeing substantial life changes. This opportunity is not just about sharing information and changing lifes, it's a chance to be generously rewarded financially too throughout the customer’s lifetime order and the prodcut has a very high retention rate due to all the use cases and monthly repeat orders. Whether your current focus is breathwork, detox support, reiki, health and well-being, coaching, mental health support, massage, or energy work, adding Zeolite to your repertoire can make a significant difference. Be Part of the Change ! As a passionate advocate for Zeolite, I’ve experienced a profound transformation, overcoming severe allergies, asthma, and complications from mold toxicity. Understanding the struggles many are facing today, sharing Zeolite’s benefits is more than a mission, it’s a calling. Cleanse and Heal with Zeolite ! In a world overwhelmed with heavy metals and toxins, Zeolite stands out by cleansing cells of these harmful substances, allowing your body to heal naturally and efficiently. Join the Movement ! Keen to be part of this transformative journey? Click here to join us as an affiliate and schedule a call to explore the best strategy for integrating Zeolite into your life or business. Your Support System ! Count on unwavering support and insights on this journey. In a world where toxin exposure is escalating, sharing the detoxifying power of Zeolite is not just beneficial, it's essential. Let's pass down a legacy of health and wellness to future generations together.
Nausea Vomiting Abdominal pain Diarrhea Fatigue Headache Joint pain Weakness Muscle cramps Dizziness Cognitive dysfunction Confusion Memory loss Anxiety Depression Mood swings Numbness Tingling sensations Tremors Loss of coordination Difficulty breathing Kidney damage Liver damage Lung damage Heart problems Anemia Bone loss Tooth decay Hearing loss Vision problems Skin irritation Rashes Hair loss Nail changes Speech difficulties Insomnia Weight loss Loss of appetite Fertility issues Developmental delays in children Learning disabilities Behavioral problems in children Lowered IQ Immune system suppression Elevated blood pressure Irregular heartbeat Increased cancer risk Gastrointestinal issues Hormonal imbalances Blood disorders
Just some of the side effects you may experience from heavy metal toxicity !
How do heavy metals impact ADHD
and focus?
Heavy metal toxicity, particularly from metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and aluminum, has been researched for its potential effects on cognitive function and behavior. Below are some findings on how heavy metal exposure can impact ADHD and cognitive function: Lead (Pb): Cognitive Function: Chronic exposure to lead, especially during early childhood when the brain is developing rapidly, has been associated with decreased cognitive abilities. High lead levels have been linked to lower IQ scores, attention problems, and poor academic achievement. ADHD: Several studies have suggested a link between elevated blood lead levels and increased ADHD symptoms or diagnoses. Even at relatively low levels, lead exposure can be harmful and contribute to attentional deficits. Mercury (Hg): Cognitive Function: Mercury primarily affects the central nervous system. Prenatal exposure, such as through consumption of certain types of fish by the mother during pregnancy, has been linked to developmental delays, speech and language disorders, and problems with memory and attention. ADHD: Some research has indicated a potential link between mercury exposure and ADHD, but the evidence is not as robust as it is for lead. More research is needed to establish a definitive connection. Arsenic (As): Cognitive Function: Chronic exposure to arsenic, often through contaminated water, has been linked to reduced cognitive abilities, particularly in verbal IQ, memory, and other executive functions. ADHD: The connection between arsenic exposure and ADHD is not as well-researched as lead, but there are some studies that suggest a potential link. Cadmium (Cd): Cognitive Function: Cadmium exposure can lead to neurotoxic effects, and children exposed to high levels of cadmium might experience deficits in IQ and other cognitive domains. ADHD: Limited studies suggest that there may be an association between cadmium exposure and ADHD, but more research is needed. Aluminum (Al): Cognitive Function: While aluminum's neurotoxic effects are still a subject of debate, some studies have suggested potential links between aluminum exposure and cognitive impairments. ADHD: There is limited research connecting aluminum exposure directly to ADHD, and it's not as well-established as other metals like lead. Mechanisms: Heavy metals can affect cognitive function and behavior through various mechanisms: Disruption of neurotransmitter systems (like dopamine and serotonin), which play a key role in attention, mood, and cognition. Induction of oxidative stress, which damages cells. Inhibition of enzyme functions necessary for brain metabolism and function. Displacement of essential metals (like zinc) from their physiological binding sites, which can impact brain development and function.
A complete guide to zeolite !!!
There are many reasons why someone may start a zeolite detox. While some individuals choose to begin a detox because they are experiencing tell-tale symptoms like brain fog and fatigue, others may incorporate a detox into their wellness regimens to improve their quality of life. Whatever the inspiration, knowing what detox supplements are scientifically proven to help the body’s natural processes is imperative. While there are tons of detox supplements available on the market, there are few that are as impactful as liquid zeolite clinoptilolite. If you’re wondering how you can detox with zeolite, this guide will outline everything you need to know about this natural mineral, the types of zeolite supplements, and zeolite’s many benefits. What is Zeolite? Zeolite, particularly clinoptilolite, is a rare natural mineral formed by the chemical reaction between volcanic ash and seawater. Zeolite’s benefits themselves are due to their crystalline structure; zeolites are porous and negatively-charged, allowing for the selective removal of toxins, especially heavy metals, which are positively-charged. Simply speaking, a zeolite detox involves this mineral acting as a detoxification filter by targeting heavy metals, trapping them within its structure and passing them through the body via the excretory system. How does Zeolite Detox the Body? Numerous scientific studies attest to the selective nature of the zeolite clinoptilolite’s ability to remove toxins. By taking a liquid zeolite supplement that is sized for absorption through the digestive tract, this beneficial mineral absorbs toxins in the body. Imagine that zeolite is like a magnet with a negative charge, most harmful toxins have a positive charge and opposites attract. The zeolite attracts and traps positively-charged toxins such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium and many more, and carries them out of the body through the excretory system. Zeolite’s Crystalline Structure A key factor in the efficacy of zeolite is the mineral’s crystalline structure. The mineral itself is a grid of tetrahedrons joined by oxygen atoms that comprise a net-like structure. Picture a honeycomb but on a microscopic scale. This net-like structure of each zeolite particle is made of pores or channels with a uniform shape in which substances can be absorbed. As liquid passes into these pores, the channels act as sieves or a filter for molecules, allowing the zeolites to “capture” positively-charged toxins in what is referred to as a cationic exchange. The unique structure and charge of clinoptilolite zeolite provides detoxification in two ways. The first as mentioned above is absorption, or capturing toxins inside the zeolite. The second method is via adsorption, where toxins stick to the outside of the zeolite particle. In this way, zeolite acts as one of the most effective natural detoxifiers on the planet. The Benefits of Zeolite Detox There are many types of zeolites found in nature, but zeolite clinoptilolite is the most suited for therapeutic applications. Through scientific research, zeolite has been assessed for the removal of environmental toxins, shown to promote health and well-being in numerous animal studies, and demonstrated benefits for detoxification, immune health, antioxidant support and gut health in humans. The remarkable detoxifying effects of zeolite clinoptilolite was observed in research performed on rodents. In this trial, lead poisoned mice were treated with zeolite clinoptilolite and showed a 89% reduction in the accumulation of lead in their liver, 91% reduction of lead in their kidneys and 77% reduction of lead in their bones. Given the well-known damaging health effects of lead, including its impact on brain development in children, zeolite clinoptilolite may be a welcome natural way to help detoxify lead and other heavy metals from the body. A wide-range of clinical and preclinical trials on live subjects as well as in-vitro, or petri dish lab settings, show promise for zeolite’s many benefits. Recent research points to many potential beneficial applications of zeolite clinoptilolite, in particular its ability to absorb heavy metals, provide immune support by capturing free radicals, as well as support the gut microbiome. Zeolite Clinoptilolite and Heavy Metals Zeolite clinoptilolite is widely recognized as a heavy metal detoxifier. Today, many people turn to micronized zeolite to aid in removing harmful and toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract, including heavy metals, as well as nitrosamines, ammonia, mycotoxins, radioactive materials, and pesticides. In clinical research using rats as subjects, researchers found that natural clinoptilolite zeolite efficiently removed aluminum from the plasma, liver and bones of aluminum chloride-intoxicated rats. A clinical study evaluated human subjects and found statistically significant improvements in blood arsenic levels after twelve weeks of treatment with zeolite. A further clinical study evaluating the ability of micronized (small particle) clinoptilolite zeolite to remove heavy metals from humans showed that the zeolite increased heavy metal excretion via urine without any loss of beneficial electrolyte minerals. Immune Support & Gut Health The body’s immune system is influenced by both external and internal systems. When it comes to the gut’s role in immune function, zeolite has been shown to help improve the integrity of the intestinal barrier causing a positive impact on the intestinal ecosystem, thus supporting the immune system. In a randomized, double-blinded, placebo controlled trial, 52 endurance trained men and women ages 20–50 years old were placed on a regimen of zeolite for 12 weeks. The conclusion showed beneficial effects on the integrity of the intestinal wall indicated by decreased concentrations of zonulin, a protein that increases the permeability of tight junctions between cells of the wall of the digestive tract, otherwise known as “leaky gut.” Supports Overall Well-Being In terms of our overall well-being and quality of life, researchers have hypothesized that due to zeolite’s positive impacts on the gut microbiome, it indirectly benefits the gut-brain connection at the level of the central nervous system. For example, in one study, zeolite clinoptilolite is shown to reduce stress and improve sleep, though more research is needed to better understand the connection between zeolite supplementation and overall mood in humans. By helping the body remove heavy metals and encouraging balance in the gut, zeolite clinoptilolite promotes overall homeostasis. Overall, research shows that zeolite clinoptilolite is a highly effective detoxifier, supports the immune system, demonstrates antioxidant effects, and supports overall well-being. What to Expect During a Zeolite Detox The body’s main detoxification organs are the liver and kidneys. Additionally, the lymphatic system, digestive tract, skin, and lungs also play a role in how the body detoxes. When we are discussing detox, we’re referring to the release of “toxicants”, defined as harmful compounds made by humans or compounds introduced into the environment by human activities. Humans are exposed to toxicants via the air, drinking water, foods, and other products such as cosmetics. Although the body has strong natural defenses against toxins, these systems can become overwhelmed due to the accumulation of toxins, causing them to be stored in tissues, organs and bones. Additionally, human-made toxicants are typically stored in fat cells and these lipid-soluble molecules are difficult for the body to naturally excrete. With the help of supplements like zeolite clinoptilolite that support detox, the body’s complex detoxification systems are able to function at optimal levels as toxins are removed. While the body is going through detoxification, it’s essential to support your immune system by nourishing your body with antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables and exercise. Typically, with detoxification protocols it can be expected to experience a Herxheimer reaction or “healing crisis” whereby you may experience worsening symptoms for a short period before feeling relief. Herxheimer symptoms may include: Headache Nausea Upset stomach Brain fog Fatigue However, because the zeolite clinoptilolite captures and holds heavy metals and toxins within its crystalline structure, a detox reaction is less likely to occur, since the toxins do not come in contact with the body’s systems as they are removed. This makes zeolite a far more gentle and preferred detoxification method compared to any other method. How to Choose a Quality Zeolite Supplement There are tons of detox supplements on the market today making it difficult to know which to choose. When you’re looking for a zeolite supplement, it’s best to do your research. The highest quality supplements will be lab-tested, making sure to remove any pre-existing contaminants or pollutants. Furthermore, it’s best to avoid zeolite supplements that include synthetic vitamins or other substances that can carry a positive charge, which can cause the zeolite to trap those molecules rather than the problematic heavy metals you are trying to target. Products containing pure natural zeolite clinoptilolite are best. Additionally, particle size is a critical factor, since it determines whether the zeolite will detoxify beyond the gut. The Impact of Zeolite Particle Size on Detoxification Most zeolite supplements feature zeolite particles that are sized in the micrometer-range (micronized). That is small: a micron is one millionth of a meter. This size of zeolite particle is effective at absorbing toxins in the gut, especially in helping to prevent the uptake of toxins from the food that we eat. However, for a zeolite to be effective at detoxifying to a cellular level, the zeolite particles must be much smaller than a micron. The most effective zeolite supplement will be sized in the nanometer-range (under 100 nanometers). A nanometer is one thousand times smaller than a micron. Particles in the nanometer-range can be absorbed through the tiny junctures in the gut, so they can reach the areas where toxins are stored by the body. And, the smaller the zeolite particle, the greater the collective surface area of the zeolites. For example, if you compare the same amount of zeolite in two supplements where one has micron-sized and the other has nano-sized particles, the nanometer solution will have a surface area up to 1,000 times greater than the micron solution – which means there is a much larger area of zeolite that can trap toxins, making it much more effective for detox. Liquid Zeolite or Powdered Zeolite The various zeolite supplements available today include both powdered and liquid supplements. Although it may seem that it simply comes down to preference, there are actual substantial differences between the two. Firstly, powdered zeolite is often a raw substance that contains toxins naturally occurring in the environment during mining. It’s necessary for the zeolite to go through a liquid purification process to remove any toxins so it can effectively detoxify once ingested. Secondly, purified liquid zeolite can be reduced down to the nanometer particle size so it can be absorbed on a cellular level, since non-micronized zeolite cannot be absorbed through water or fats. These nanometer particles are stored in liquid suspension since that is the preferred medium for zeolite and ensure that the zeolite can travel throughout the body for whole-body detox. Lastly, most zeolites aren’t lab tested, preventing the consumer from truly understanding what’s in their products. Lab testing is the best way to know that the product is free of existing toxins so it can work the way as a detoxified in the body. Pure Body Extra Liquid Zeolite If you’re searching for a liquid zeolite product, start with Pure Body Extra. Our liquid zeolite is a nano-sized formula, and tested by an independent lab showing it is free of existing pollutants so it can safely trap any toxins in the body. A unique cleansing process for the zeolite removes any existing toxins, and adds in beneficial minerals such as calcium, optimizing the cationic exchange process for detox. PBX zeolite is in an easy-to-use liquid spray, where the nanosized particles are placed within water molecule clusters, optimized for an advanced daily cellular detox. For a gut detox, add in Pure Body liquid zeolite drops, which is similarly pure, but sized in the micron range for a digestive detox. How to Use Liquid Zeolite Pure Body Extra liquid zeolite is easy to use: for adults, simply take four sprays by mouth, three times a day for a cellular detox. For a digestive detox, add four Pure Body drops to water three times a day. Together, Pure Body Extra liquid zeolite spray and Pure Body liquid zeolite drops add up to a whole-body detox. Because the zeolite is not stored in the body, taking it morning, noon and night helps to ensure a continuous detox. Zeolite is also safe for all ages. Just reduce the serving size appropriately based on the age of the child. For example, for a school-aged child, take two sprays of Pure Body Extra, and two drops of Pure Body, three times a day. For a toddler, take one spray of Pure Body Extra, and one drop of Pure Body, three times a day. As always, if you have questions about your medical care, check with your health care practitioner. The Bottom Line Zeolite, specifically clinoptilolite, is a remarkable mineral with exceptional detoxifying properties. Its unique porous and negatively charged structure enables the selective removal of positively charged toxins, particularly heavy metals, from the body. Scientific research affirms zeolite’s power to detoxify, and emphasizes its capacity to absorb harmful substances, aiding in the elimination of these substances through the excretory system. The mineral’s chemical composition is characterized by a net-like framework, making the mineral particularly suited for capturing toxins through cationic exchange. Besides detoxification, zeolite helps the body by embracing immune support, improved gut health, and overall well-being. Clinical studies demonstrate its ability to reduce concentrations of toxicants such as mercury, cadmium, lead, and arsenic in both animals and humans, as well as its positive influence on the gut’s integrity. Choosing a quality zeolite supplement is crucial. When selecting a zeolite supplement, look out for lab-tested, pure zeolite clinoptilolite in liquid form to ensure its effectiveness. In a world laden with toxins, zeolite’s role as a natural ally in promoting health by aiding the body’s natural detoxification processes can help us reach a truly balanced and revitalized state of being.