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EMF Protection -Laser Focus, Clarity, Focus, New Learning

Elite Shungite, Magnetite and Green Calcite!


This Vortex Pendant has 3 sphere magnets placed inside a copper coil, this helps bring the body's magnetic field back into alignment.


Due to the amount of wifi technology/emf's that we are all exposed to on a daily basis, the body's biomagnetic field is compromised leading to all sorts of health implications including lack of energy, foggy head, allergies, lack of sleep and many more.


I also add very unique and well sourced crystals that all have their own indvidual benefits and purpose, each crystal holds a very unique healing energy (all the benefits of the crystals are listed in the description below). 


I have always advised my customers to pick a pendant they are drawn to as it tends to be the one that will help you the most and it will be the healing frequency from that crystal that you need but the decision is entirely upto you.


If you need any assistance then please drop a message in the live chat and I will be more than happy to help out.



  • EMF Protection 
  • Grounding
  • Clarity
  • Clears the mind for new learning
  • Calming and relaxing
  • Releases emotional trauma
  • Releases negative patterns and habits
  • Amazing for studying new subjects


EMF Protection -Laser Focus, Clarity, Focus, New Learning

£33,33 Редовна цена
£13,33Продажна цена
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