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In this Heart I have combined the perfect combination of crystals, roses petals and minerals that will help work with heart healing and will assist with self love, attracting love and unconditional love and bring about deep inner healing!


This will also help protect against the dangerous frequency's emitted from 5g, 4g and 3g!


Rose Quartz may help with –


Universal love

Restoring trust and Harmony in relationships

Purification and opens the hearts on all levels to promote love

Relationships and friendships

A more peaceful mind

Clear out anger and jealousy

Romance and will attract love


Rose Petals -


Are the highest vibrational flower on the planet and resonate at 320hz

Will help with energy due to the high vibration the petals are giving off

Work in harmony with the rose quartz and is great for love


Shungite may help with -


Protection against negative energies and good for psychic protection

Shield from harmful electromagnetic frequency's from cell phones, computers and wifi etc

Evolving spiritually

Healing on all levels: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual

Growth and transformation

Increasing personal power

Clearing and balancing the aura and chakras

Grounding energies to the earth

Boosting energy

Increasing personal power

Restores emotional balance and you will feel a lot more positive


Magnetite may help with –


Respiratory, asthma and breathing issues

Stress and anxiety

Good luck and abundance

Stability, strength and grounding

Circulatory system, aches, pains

Releasing anger


5cm wide ( Self love, attract love and unconditional love )

£33,33 Редовна цена
£15,55Продажна цена
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